Thursday, December 11, 2008

Fraud Online Relationships

Be very careful when you meet someone online for a friendship or romantic relationship. The person you think are talking to may not be the person you think it is. It happens all the time people not only pretend to be someone else by lying about their age, gender, physical looks, or even personalities. I read an article about a woman who had an online romance for a year which turned out to be a fraud. The woman got an email from someone saying they had a mutual friend that said that they would get along. She contacted the friend and she said that the man was a good person. She had a online relationship and would text message each other too. The man always wanted to meet but always made an excuse last minute. Her parents got worried so they found out through the telephone number that the man was actually a woman. It was her friend that had said that the man was a good guy. She was fell in love with this old friend but did not realize it. She had known personal things about her and used it to her advantage in trying to get her to fall for her. The woman broke it off when she found out it was her old friend. She never found out if it was a joke or if the woman really loved her but could not or would not be honest about her feelings. She tried to get her to fall in love with her on the pretext that she was a man online, which was a lie. So be careful who you trust online because it may not be the person of your dreams. Online relationships can be a good way to start a relationship for some people but the final aim is to meet face to face and you may be not be happy when you finally start one in the real world. If you do get into a relationship online and plan to meet them in reality always meet them in a public place with a trusting friend to help you in case it does not turn out the way you expected. Especially younger users should be very careful about who they meet because they can be taken advantage of even easier. Love can happen online but don't take everything they say as the truth. Be honest yourself and be critical of how they act online. There are lots of good stories of people meeting the right mate for themselves but don't become one of the bad stories. Be careful and always protect yourself online and offline. It is great to fall in love but it hurts when you are taken advantage of and your dream person online falls short offline. Romance is not perfect in any setting but give it a shot and it may turn out be great but don't be too disappointed when it turns out badly.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

self mowing lawn mowers

I checked out the self mowers online and they look very useful. These mowers are the wave of the future and can put many landscapers out of business in the future but they are not there yet. There are still very expensive and there are still some bugs in them. You need to have a pretty open backyard and can't have any little objects in it's path. Major things like bushes and trees it will avoid. I just worry how much they will scare off your dog in the backyard. It is a great tool for busy people to have their lawn mowed without having to do it yourself. I still enjoy mowing the lawn but if I am too busy this machine is very interesting. You don't need to even be there it will dock itself when it needs to recharge itself. You need to instal an invisible fence around your lawn and it is still pretty pricey but the convenience is there. This is the same technology as the self vacume cleaner. It has a smart intelligence computer and sensors that allow it to mow your lawn without a human control. It is where artificial intelligence is going but it may have some negative effects of people becoming more lazy in doing simple tasks that are apart of our lives. It may eliminate jobs and the fear is when too many machines do these jobs they replace our labor force. If it starts here it may not stop at that. What other jobs will they replace and how far will we let it go. It is difficult to see a future of robots doing every simple task and even more difficult ones. If they begin to replace our jobs and tasks will we use this extra time in a productive way or will we just become more lazy. This technology is here and it is not going away but has not really diffused into mainstream because of the price and some people still enjoy mowing their lawn. If the machines do the job better will we prefer a machine over a human doing the task? Would you buy one for yourself? Is it worth the money?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Navigation on cell phones

The mobile cell phones started out as an emergency use only. Then they became more diffused into society with broad use. Then is became to combine new features that have combined many features to one unit. It added text messaging, email, internet access, camera that can be video or or still pictures, audio recording, many other new features like the navigation features. The navigation units were individual units that were installed in their cars, then they became standard in cars. Then newer units started to come out making it easier for people to carry them around and small enough to keep it in their pockets and having a good battery source. Now the navigation can be applied to telephones that can be carried around with you much easier than ever before. The new navigation devices allow more freedom in finding out where to go without getting lost. There are some negatives about pre-programed journey's that can limit on where we go and how we get there. It does not allow for us to meet new people or to find the scenic route that may be found by getting lost. This is a new way of traveling focusing on finding the destination and not focus on journey. These new devices do make lives easier, saving time, money, natural resources, and stress. It still is not perfect and the maps may not show the best routes to go because it is software based searches on finding the best routes with maps and don't always account for traffic, lights, and views. There may be better advantages to having this technology but it does limit how we travel and changes our reliance on a device instead of having the knowledge of maps, navigating or knowing the area. This technology is great if we do not rely solely on this and if we depend on it in the future there may be more consequences that have not been investigated and we will not know if this will be a positive or negative effect on the public. I do have a portable navigation and it does help when traveling to a new place especially a DJ because maps and online directions are not perfect. It may give you a longer way around to get to places but you will get to the place you need to go in a timely manner. The options with traffic conditions and other applications will be developed to help. 

Ipod touch new games touch screen

The new ipod touch has a new interactive games that you can buy and play on your ipod touch. This is different because you play games by moving the ipod touch or by touching the screen to play. This is a great new feature to the ipod allowing cheap new games to be easily played on the ipod. This is another direction to take with the ipod that has been inspired by cell phone games and applies it to the ipod touch or the iphone. These type of games work on the same ideas that the wii uses with hand movement instead of buttons or standard controllers. These games allow you to touch the screen and move the ipod which can be more interactive and exciting way of playing games. The games are fairly simple and are either inspired by older games or are brand new games that were designed for the ipod touch. There will probably be several new games that will come out to increase the ipods flexibility. Not only can you listen to music, watch TV  shows or movies but now you can play fun games on them. This might have created new competition for the other mobile games units like the PSP. These new ipod games can create more popularity because of the new use it adds to this all in one unit. Converging more software and new applications for a single device. The next thing may be to add the navigation to this unit just like the mobile phones have recently added this feature.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ipod new software means new hardware again

The  new software for the ipods is great because it will organize your music in new and different ways. You set up a type of playlist and will continue to fill in songs as you get them into that category or genre. This is the wizard option. The problem with upgrading software is that your old ipods cannot handle it. Then you don't have to upgrade but now if you want new music on itunes you can't download unless you get upgraded software that is free. If you don't have an ipod that can upgrade than you are stuck. You either have to buy a new ipod or be stuck with less music and less options. The company is making improvements to their products but again it forces people to have to replace their old music and video storage devices quicker than they should have to. If they can't make the hardware break after the warranty is up they get you by the software upgrades. Some of this I knew from online and the upgrade problems were told to me by a fellow student. Don't let them catch you in the upgrade traps and it would be great to have new options but I do not and cannot afford to buy a new ipod. These upgrades should be compatible with all ipods. Does anyone feel frustrated with these new ploys to keep us consuming. Instead of making more trash keep it, sell or give it to someone that wants an ipod. We are still stuck in this consumer and throw away society and we really need to recycle in a environmentally safe way. What happened to the reduce, reuse, recycle. Now it is buy more, use more and throw away more.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

New President for a Change

I am very exciting because I have voted since I was old enough and this is the first President that I voted for that actually won. This is not going to be an easy term. Obama has one of the hardest Presidency in recent history and he will have a huge array of problems to deal with. I will support this President and I hope that he will surround himself with good intelligent people that will help him face off these difficult times. He will not only have to deal with the economy, foreign relations, two wars, and health problems but has to work extra hard to unite this country and keep our citizens safe and prosperous. I would love to see him help with the same sex marriages but there are still so many issues that he will have to deal with. In these modern times the President will have to make a law that protects people's rights and allow them the privileges that many of us take for granted. I think that it was a historical event to elect a President that is black but it is more amazing that we elected  the right man for the job no matter what his skin color is. I hope that all of our citizens are as proud of their vote as I am. I consider myself a liberal and usually vote democrat and it is interesting that there are no republicans in office in New England but I am an independent and I hope that the party lines will break down and work together. I think that Obama will reach across party lines and really unite the country no matter if you are red or blue. Colors should not represent differences anymore but unite us in a multicolored world of peace and love. This was a great election and I hope that our new President is protected and safe to get the tough job done. We will all have to work with him to help get this country back on track and to help the rest of the world instead of trying to intimidate them. I really feel proud of my vote and I am exciting to see what is in store for us in the future. I hope that everyone even the ones that did not vote for him help to support him because even though I did not vote for Bush and do not agree with how he ran things I still respected that he is the President. The competition is over now the work has to start in January to get everyone that American Dream that we love so much and to bring our troops home. I hope to see Obama have a great Presidency and maybe even two great ones.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fox Coverage of election campaign

It was interesting to hear news reporter bad mouthing Obama so much about his half an hour campaign show. Then praise McCain for the rest of the show even though he got equal free time on another show. It is interesting to see the conservatives trying to pull apart  his campaign. They had a McCain speech on the news that sounded exactly like Bush. He kept on saying that he will find the terrorist and stop our enemies from ruining our way of life. I wanted to pull my hair out, the only ones that are ruining our lives today is our own government. This administration has used terrorism and fear to kill and hurt more innocent people than any terrorist. They have ruined our economy, hurt our relations with our allies, they don't try to solve or find compromises with our enemies and have made jobs harder to keep. The administration has taken away our homes and gave money to the companies that will only keep it for themselves. McCain will continue to mismanage our country because he is unwilling to compromise and admit the trouble that we are in. Obama is not going to make miracles happen over night but I think that he is more willing to try to help the education, health care and fuel crisis. These are the problems that have hurt people more than any threat of a terrorist who is horribly wrong but probably was created by our own ignorant views that we can do whatever we want and others have to listen to us. I am not unpatriotic but I think real discourse is more important than being proud of where you live. We need to pull together and fix our problems over party lines and try to fix the mess that we are all in. I hope that this election goes smoothly and that change will actually happen even though it will not happen as quickly as we would want. It is much easier to blow something up than to rebuild. It is much easier to hate than it is to get along. It is harder to work together than to point the blame anymore. It is easier to fight than to get along. We all need to work together in the world and it will be hard to make things better for everyone. No more scapegoats or insults but lets get some real dialog and real policies that help unite this country with the rest of the world in peace.