Thursday, December 4, 2008

self mowing lawn mowers

I checked out the self mowers online and they look very useful. These mowers are the wave of the future and can put many landscapers out of business in the future but they are not there yet. There are still very expensive and there are still some bugs in them. You need to have a pretty open backyard and can't have any little objects in it's path. Major things like bushes and trees it will avoid. I just worry how much they will scare off your dog in the backyard. It is a great tool for busy people to have their lawn mowed without having to do it yourself. I still enjoy mowing the lawn but if I am too busy this machine is very interesting. You don't need to even be there it will dock itself when it needs to recharge itself. You need to instal an invisible fence around your lawn and it is still pretty pricey but the convenience is there. This is the same technology as the self vacume cleaner. It has a smart intelligence computer and sensors that allow it to mow your lawn without a human control. It is where artificial intelligence is going but it may have some negative effects of people becoming more lazy in doing simple tasks that are apart of our lives. It may eliminate jobs and the fear is when too many machines do these jobs they replace our labor force. If it starts here it may not stop at that. What other jobs will they replace and how far will we let it go. It is difficult to see a future of robots doing every simple task and even more difficult ones. If they begin to replace our jobs and tasks will we use this extra time in a productive way or will we just become more lazy. This technology is here and it is not going away but has not really diffused into mainstream because of the price and some people still enjoy mowing their lawn. If the machines do the job better will we prefer a machine over a human doing the task? Would you buy one for yourself? Is it worth the money?

1 comment:

Laura Lou said...

That is kind of dangerous. A self run robot with fast moving churning blades doesn't seem too safe. What if a little animal got in the way or a child? I don't like the idea one bit. People need to stop being so lazy. How hard is it to push a lawn mower or sit and steer one. And its pretty fun too!