Wednesday, September 24, 2008

election stop campaining

Another off topic subject but is our media trying to change our view of the election and our choice. Why would we stop a campaign that is so close to elections. I think that the republicans are trying to use the media just like with his ads to make his rival look like he does not care about our economy crisis. I think he is concerned about it and that the democrats need to continue to push their message to try to change our economy. This election is a very tight race and if they give up on debates then the media will be the only voice good or bad. Do you think that this is a good idea. Does not matter which side you choose to vote for. I would like to know how you guys view this decision. Do you think the media, blogs and the internet affect this election more than any other? Do you think this election is different because of all the different ways of getting information about the two parties? Is it helpful or hurtful?

rape victims no plan b

This does not really have to do with class but I saw on the news that they just passed a law that made it against the law not to give plan b to rape victims. Wow why hasn't these hospitals not stopped earlier. This is horrible that institutions was able to decide for these victims even though it is their legal right. About time they are held responsible for helping their patients. The world of technology helps people but there is still a problem when personal decisions or beliefs can hurt people that were already victims. I hope this law is never changed. There is a problem when there needs to be a law to protect personal freedoms of choice. What do you about this? Even if the hospital is catholic and does not believe it  contraception they are a public facility to help the sick and should not have the right to decide for the patient what is best for them.

cell phones

Cell phones are getting a little overwhelming. I wander if they will put so much on them that they will forget to put the phone in it. I went to buy a new phone and they wanted to sell me a personal computer for my pocket. I just wanted to buy a phone to make a call. It is great that you can do everything on one little computer but will you be able to just get a phone to talk or will you have to get everything else you don't need.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

new media ideas #1

We have discussed many new ideas within class and online. It is very interesting to discuss these new ideas about new technology and how they affect our lives. I believe that there are many times in history when new technology changing the ways in which people understand their world. This is one of those times and I believe that it will not get any easier. In the past our tools have made our lives easier. They still do but they also make it much harder at the same time. We have to constantly learn how to use new technology. It is not that we can accept this fact but that we have to which is scary. 

In regards to how privacy concerns in the article will never go away. I would like to ask the class if they have any ideas on how to slow down these invasions into our lives. Will it have to be a law? Will we just have to get better technology to encrypt our information.? How will the use of this information be used against us? Will it just be used to sell us products or will it be used with the medical industry? Could they decide if we are worth keeping alive or deserve a job based on this information. It is a scary thought.  Also another thought about the other reading. Who should be allowed to show videos on Utube? Who decides what we should see or what is not for our eyes? Even horrible material trying to be used to hurt or confuse people should be seen. We should have the right to know about the threats and horrors that we are usually lucky that we don't have to be in a country with extremist like this. I just hope that we don't become like the people we hate.